Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Searching the Net Boolean Style!

When I first looked at this, I was like what the heck is Boolean searching! I mentioned to a few of my friends and family, no one had heard of it. So I was quite looking forward to reading about it further.
However once I started reading through the lessons on Boolean searching I realised I actually already searched this way when I hadn't been successful with just the standard search. 

My first attempt I tried was "cadbury chocolate eggs" in google which gave me 1520 hits. None of these seemed to be the sort of information I was looking for.
Second time I tried cadbury chocolate AND eggs in google which gave me 73,100 hits. Although there were heaps more hits than the first attempt, the first few sites it found were the most relevant so far.

Third time I tried cadbury chocolate OR eggs in google which gave me 455,000 hits. The first sites once again were similar to when I used AND for searching, however using OR produced a Heap more results. But this was still more successful than using the "".

So my findings conclude that using AND or OR in the search helps give more results and with this particular search, these results seem to be the better ones. Boolean is a useful way for searching especially when you are searching very broad topics. 

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